v1.5 [Aug 16, 2011]
- Added Full OS X Lion support including Full ScreenNew Scoring system:
- We've replaced the time penalty system with a much more friendly scoring system that takes into account, difficulty, hint usage, auto note usage, mistakes, and time to give you a more balanced score for each puzzle.
- We also keep track of an overall cumulative score for more dedicated players to show off their skills.New Options:
- When you select a number, all the relevant notes also get highlighted
- Obsolete notes now get cleared automatically (This is active by default but can be turned off in options)
- Due to popular demand we've added unlimited Undo/Redo buttons. The reset button is now replaced with a drop down menu that contains the new functionality including the reset button.
- Keys for completed numbers dim outMultiplayer:
- You can now share puzzles with your friends via email.
- The sharing option appears once you beat a puzzle in the score dialog.
- Revamped statistics screen now shows your challenge statistics