Optimize business networking and project tracking. Access a storage environment and management toolset for different types of data. Work with information about clients, contacts, projects, to-dos, payments, timers, invoices, reports, employee data sets, etc.
Studiometry is a program employed to keep track of clients, prices and overall managing in a company. It comes with a well-polished interface that will grant Mac users quick access to all of the features. The applicstion provides tools for taking your clients, calendar, prices, services, to-do lists, projects and other into account. The interface is simple and well responsive, and allows users to interact with buttons rather than text commands, making it an easy-to-use application. This feature-rich application comes with a demo tutorial that will help users to quickly get familiar with the product. The tool was basically designed to ease the work of accountants and managers, by integrating common used tools and details in a single interface. It offers you a wide variety of predefined templates for payments, and an integrated mail system that uses Apple Mail, Sparrow, Postbox or Microsoft Entourage as defaults. This piece of software also integrates a tax calculator tool which proves to be very reliable.
All in all, you should test Studiometry if you deal with keeping track of clients, prices, services and projects in a company; it comes with an appealing interface, good functionality and a nice GUI, making it easy-to-use and accessible.