Sticky Notifications is a very flexible system utility that lets you create notes on your Mac easily, and, best of all, quickly. The application puts an icon on your menubar when it is running. When you click on it, the notification creation window will pop up. It consists of three fields: subject, subtitle and message. After you fill them up a new sticky note will appear in the top-right corner of your monitor. You can click on the "Close" button to get rid of it. There are two different ways in which Sticky Notifications displays your sticky notes. If you have Mac OS X 10.8 or newer, your Notification Center will take care of displaying the notifications. Otherwise, Growl will be the one pushing the notifications to you.
To distinguish this application from the other hundreds of sticky note utilities out there, the developers of Sticky Notifications added a few interested features. One of those is the application's integration with Mac OS X, which comes in the form of Automator support. This basically means that you can integrate the application into your workflow. It will not be a big deal for most users, but anyone who is into automation will surely like it. Secondly, you can also create notes from text in any application, thanks to the application's service that gets installed on your Mac when you run it for the first time.
In closing, Sticky Notifications is a very useful notification tool. It uses a rather new approach, matched with a number of interesting features.