SpotMenu helps you listen to your favorite music tracks more comfortably. However, the application is not a music player as you may have thought. What it does instead is to completely hide iTunes or Spotify and allow you to control playback from the Menu Bar, which is an unobtrusive way to do so.
The solution does not use screen space or interfere with your workflow. Unfortunately, it does not work on its own. In this regard, iTunes or Spotify should be working in the background. The app shows information regarding the track being played right on the menu bar, but, if you think it is still using too much space there, you can go to preferences and disable that. Moreover, by clicking on its icon there, you can perform simple playback actions, like playing, pausing, moving to the next track and so on.
In general, SpotMenu is recommendable for those who like to listen to music non-stop, even when they are working or doing something else on their computers. Unfortunately, the latest version is not entirely compatible with Spotify, which requires a few additional actions to fix that. Likewise, it has been reported to hang occasionally. Finally, although this product can be used for free, it could be best classified as donationware.