Space Quizzer is a family quiz game developed by Supergonk Ltd. Your objective is to answer correctly as many questions as you can and to obtain the highest score possible. The app lets you choose between various types of questions and offer you plenty of power-ups.
You can play this game whenever you have your friends or family over and need a fun way to spend the spare time. This app offers you 6 categories of questions: Solar System, Sci-Fi, Space Race, Technology, Astronomy, and Science. Unfortunately, you can play only the first two groups of challenges for free. You need to make in-app purchases in order to unlock the rest of the categories.
For each question you have a certain amount of time available for response. If the timer hits zero, you lose one life. For each gaming session you have access to a maximum number of 3 lives. The game is over once you run out of lives.
Personally, I think the time frame for the questions is way to small. You can barely read the question and have minimum time to choose the correct answer. It wouldn't hurt an option to increase the answering time or disable the timer.
Nonetheless, this app provides you with a fun way to challenge your friends to a trivia match. So, I'd suggest you try it and if it matches your expectation, make the in-app purchases and check all quiz categories.