Set in a universe that was peacefully cohabited by space-faring civilizations of Hedgehogs and Cacti for eons, this one-touch, real-time hybrid strategy/action game begins when one dark, fateful night, the Cacti suddenly attack.
The Hedgehogs put up a brave fight, but the element of surprise is strong, and a great many planets are lost to the invading Cacti. Only then do the Hedgehogs realize that during the last period of peace and prosperity the Cacti have been secretly building immense battle fleets equipped with the latest in Cacti military technology. Although the Hedgehogs bravely and bitterly resist, they are technologically outmatched, and their losses are great.
And so now, one thousand years later, the once-great Hedgehog civilization has been reduced to a handful of planets still within their control. You, and only you, can save them and lead the Hedgehogs back to their former glory - or plunge them into complete demise. The fate of the entire civilization rests on your shoulders. Do not disappoint.