
Solera comes from 10-years-long cogitation about compression, dynamic, loudness.


Solera comes from 10-years-long cogitation about compression, dynamic, loudness. How to make a compressor, which can add loudness whilst keeping some airiness in the sound, which retains fast transients, subtle distinction and undertone?

How to make a processor that can retrieve lost dynamic? Or just to be able to add contrast, to increase low-level ambiance or to sharpen the sound. How can we imagine processing the dynamic without taking into account the sound Level ? How to compress the sound steadily without losing the "nuance" and pumping? And so on. Solera tries to answer all these questions.Solera implements 4 different detectors and envelop generators in parallel and simultaneously: compressor, de-compressor, expander and de-expander which can all be independently switched on or off and implement an activity display next to their controls. Many more features.

Flux:: Sound and Picture development