SmartScore X Midi Edition Demo

Scan multiple pages of printed sheet music and watch as it reconstructs.


Scan multiple pages of printed sheet music and watch as it reconstructs on-screen in seconds, ready for playback, editing and transposition (playback only, no printing).

Export MIDI files to other programs, including Apple® GarageBand®, Acid®, Cubase®, Cakewalk®, Logic® or other MIDI-based software. Simultaneously view and edit MIDI data in both notation and the familiar Piano Roll, Overview and Event list formats. Upadating is automatic.

Main Features:
- Smart scanning interface with automatic scanner settings. No expertise required. Automatic resolution (dpi) selection. Simplified multi-page scanning within a single file.
- Recogntion accuracy exceeds 99% on well-printed scores.
- Recognizes more musical symbols more accurately.
- Complex structures recognized including repeats, segnos, coda signs, broken systems (coda breaks), cross-staff beaming/voicing, optimized systems, ossias and grace notes.
- Import and edit standard MIDI files using notation and/or MIDI editing environments.

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