The product is discontinued by the developer


Excelent word search puzzle maker that will give you a lot of fun for hours.
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Apple Inc.
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Download link is unavailable since the product is discontinued
Used by 192 people
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Sherlock is an excellent word search puzzle maker that will give you a lot of fun for hours. Unlike similar apps Sherlock makes a fully-fledged puzzle containing a secret text. To read the secrets you have to find all the given words and remaining letters form the hidden message. Remaining letters are those not used in any of the given word.

Hidden message can be either your own text or it can be a randomly selected famous quote. Sherlock is also a perfect tool for preparing great games for your kids giving them printed puzzles containing instructions for the game. Instructions can be hidden in the puzzle. They must solve it first to be able to get them and to continue with your game. Puzzles can be exported to PDF file or saved to the disk, so you can share them with your friends.

Solving word search puzzles helps to develop the left brain hemispehere, helps to learn new words and improve spelling.


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