
Support email - SecuriSSH is a simple menu bar application to allow you to manage all your SSH connections easily and simply...


***** Support email - ******SecuriSSH is a simple menu bar application to allow you to manage all your SSH connections easily and simply, opening them in terminal when you want to use them.Set up your connections to your servers, and use the application to quickly open a connection to your server.

Optionally save your password, and the password will be copied to the clipboard, or use the app to set up RSA and DSA keyless login, to quickly and easily log in.Features:- Setup groups and connections to your servers- Save passwords or setup keyless login- Application database secured using AES 256 bit encryption, with a password to protect all your data- Open connections in a new window or a new tab- Include the name of your connection as the title of the terminal window- Save your database to your dropbox, use the app across multiple computers- Set the amount of time passwords are kept on your clipboardNew features are being added regularly, and please submit any bug reports to have them rectified quickly!***** Support email - ******

Robert Elkin
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