Scrivener versions

Structure your documents and control their formatting.
Jan 10, 2025
Sep 24, 2015
Mar 1, 2013
Jun 28, 2012
Nov 18, 2011
Editorial review
Nov 22, 2010

What's new

v2.4 [Mar 1, 2013]
• 2.4.1 fixes a bug with installing 2.4 on OS X 10.6, and fixes several minor 2.4 bugs, including a bug whereby external references to files with spaces in their paths could not be opened. 2.4.1 also makes the following changes:
• "Show Titles in Scrivenings" has been moved to the Format > Options menu.
• Updated certain non-Retina toolbar items to match those used on Retina displays.
• Forward references are now supported in autonumbering.
• Renamed "Authorize Directory Access" to "Authorize Folder Access" for clarity.
• Removed MultiMarkdown to meet App Store sandboxing requirements (Scrivener can still use MultiMarkdown if it is installed separately by the user though).
• Minor changes to the backup folder defaults to meet App Store sandboxing requirements (you may be prompted to choose your backup folder the first time you launch this version as a result).
What Was New in 2.4:
• Scrivener is now fully Retina Display compatible (every icon and graphic has been recreated at twice the size to take full advantage of the Retina display).
• Added support for Regular Expressions in all find and replace features (Lion and above only).
• Many improvements and additions to Compile.
• Added full support for the Fountain screenplay syntax ( to Import, Import and Split, Export, Compile and External Folder Sync.
• Added drag-and-drop support for Scapple notes (Scapple is our upcoming freeform mind-mapping-type app).
• The Scratch Pad can now be set up to use plain text, making it easy to sync scratch pad notes with iOS apps.
• Inspector comments and footnotes can now be zoomed with the text.
• Updated MultiMarkdown package to 3.7.
• Improved e-book export, in particular to accommodate Amazon's stricter Kindle formatting rules and to avoid iTunes Producer rejecting certain EPUB files.
• Fixed bug whereby Scrivener could stop saving documents that were part of a scrivenings session that had been open for more than two days.
• Over 100 other refinements and bug-fixes - for the full list, please see

v2.3 [Jun 28, 2012]
- Fully OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion-compatible, including support for GateKeeper.
- On OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, you can easily share your daily session goal via Twitter using the new icon in the Project Targets panel.
- On OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, if Growl isn't installed, target notifications will use Notification Center. (If you have Growl installed, you can still force Scrivener to use Notification Center by using the hidden preference "AlwaysUseNotificationCenter" - in Terminal, type "defaults write com.literatureandlatte.scrivener2.plist AlwaysUseNotificationCenter 1".)
- On OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, Quick Look gestures (three-finger taps by default) on the binder, corkboard, outliner, synopsis search results or references lists bring up a QuickReference or Quick Look panel for the tapped item. Other
- The $@ tag can now be used more than once in custom Compile replacements.
- Added new option, "Custom separator centering ignores indents", to the Options area of the Compile "Formatting" pane.
- Added option to "KindleGen" compile pane to save the KindleGen source files along with the .mobi file, for those who wish to tweak the HTML or other files manually.
- Made some improvements to "Capitalize 'i'" so that it now works in more situations but also avoids capitalising "i.e." as much as possible.
- Project completions now work in inspector comments and footnotes.
- You can now drag project completions between projects via the Auto-Complete List panel.
- Worked around an Apple text system bug that adds lots of extra spacing above images when a line height multiple is applied, so that images (and inline MathType equations) should now look much better. (Thanks to Martin at Nisus for the tip on the workaround.) The new behaviour can be turned off by setting the hidden default "SCRUseNSTextImageSpacing" to YES and restarting Scrivener.
- Zipped backups and project template creation now uses ditto instead of zip if the project contains any aliases, in order to preserve alias data. Bugs Fixed
- Fixed bug whereby, when informing you that you require Java to use the new .doc, .docx and .odt converters, Scrivener would not report the Java version you needed correctly, instead telling you that you had "%%JAVAVERSION".
- Fixed bug with new .doc, .docx and .odt importers that could cause a hang with certain files.
- Fixed bug that could cause slowdown when using fixed editor width with "Use fixed width" with "Center".
- Fixed drawing bug when using a fixed width editor, not centred, whereby the scroll view background colour would show through rather than the text background colour.
- Fixed bug in RTF export affecting right indents (which also affected .doc, .docx and .odt export using the new converters).
- Fixed bug that meant OPML files could not be imported into the Draft folder (unless you added the "opml" extension to the plain text import types Import/Export preferences).
- Fixed bug that could cause an error to get thrown while using Project Replace if custom meta-data was affected by the find-and-replace.
- Fixed bug whereby you could toggle the alignment controls in the formatting bar on and off.
- Fixed bug which could cause certain .doc and .docx files imported using the new converters to come in using the Symbol font and thus unreadable.
- Fixed bug whereby QuickReference panels, when floated above other windows, wouldn't participate in window cycling. This affected the main "Float Window" feature, too. (Fixed on 10.6 and above only, as older systems have no way of overriding the default behaviour of floating windows.)
- Fixed the script format converter panel (Documents > Convert > Script Format…) so that the elements of the selected format now display correctly.
- Fixed bug whereby applying a character preset to an entire paragraph would change the paragraph formatting too.
- Fixed crash that could occur when emptying the Trash and custom meta-data was visible in the inspector.
- Fixed a bug in the numbering of nested lists in HTML export.

Alternative downloads

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It is a utility for previewing compiled Scrivener documents live in Marked.