Scratch is an easy-to-use programming language developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technoogy in order to make it simpler for Mac users to create their own interactive projects. It allows the users to create short films, animations, games and art, by providing a user-friendly interface with a well organized menu that will help users to quickly get familiar with the tool. The customization of the tool is poor to non-existent, as the developers focused on the functionality of the application. It basically uses existent written codes, but also allows the users to write their own codes.
It comes with a built-in paint editor which allows the users to create their own animations, edit colors or shapes, but it also provides a wide variety of predefined sounds that can be used in projects and may shorten the time spent on browsing the Internet. What makes this different from other similar products is that it allows the users to create actions, insert sounds or visual effects based on triggers, while the triggers themselves can be actions or sounds.
Briefly, Scratch is a complete tool designed to help Mac users to create animations, short clips, and interactive projects without having to use multiple applications.