RWThemeMiner is a user-friendly application that edits RapidWeaver theme. Straight from the first use, RWThemeMiner surprises by offering a simple, clean and intuitive interface. The program window will enable you to quickly access all the programs features and functions, thus, making this piece of software a great asset for novice users.
What makes RWThemeMiner such a great tool is the fact that it will allow for modifying and replacing any element of a certain theme. Starting from a certain theme that you like you will be able to customize and personalize it in just a few easy steps. RWThemeMiner offers all right tools so that you may quickly edit or replace theme image files and edit text files like css, html, js, plist and many more. Simply load the desired theme folder, install it and start editing. The program design is clearly oriented toward novices since it lacks advanced theme editing functions that proficient users need, such as gradients, effects and so on. Thus, it is not recommended for professional use.
In conclusion, RWThemeMiner is an intuitive and user-friendly RapidWeaver theme editing application that will be highly appreciated by novice users.