RUMped is a contest and dx-pedition logging tool for short wave. RUMped supports a DX-pedition mode and the major contests. Further you can create your own contest rules. RUMped can use cocoaModem2.0 as modem for RTTY, BPSK and Hellschreiber.
- Real time computation for multipliers and points
- Partial call check during typing, multiple master databases are included.
- Similar call check
- Prev. QSO check
- ESM mode (, Enter' sends messages)
- Auto cq
- CW via WinKeyer or K2/K3
- RTTY via cocoModem or K3
- CW type-ahead function (WinKeyer only)
- TRX control
- Work all operating modes in the same interface
- Multiple (scrolling) band maps
- DX Cluster via Telnet integrated
- DXCC, CQ/ITU-zone, heading and distance calculations
- Continent, callsign, rates, DXCC, multiplier and best time statistics
- Keyboard mode for CW and RTTY
- Grayline map and other tools for grayline dxing
- Memory pad for S&P