Pong Remix is a modern remake of the classic Pong game. Pong is one of the earliest video games, and if you have ever seen it or play it, you know how simple it is, and yet it can be very challenging. You control a paddle, which you have to move up and down to prevent the ball from going past you. Your opponent does the same. Whoever scores gets a point. Every time the ball is hit, its speed will increase a little, and after a while it is very hard to return the ball. The gameplay of the original Pong game was duplicated nicely for this app. There are a couple of changes, though. 2011 is a very 3D year, so even pong gets a 3D mode. If you press the spacebar, the game will become 3D. The controls are the same, and although the ball seems to bounce and there is a net, all that is beyond your control. You don't get to move on another plane, you still move up and down on the screen.
You can play Pong Remix against a computer opponent, or you can share the keyboard with a friend and play a versus game.
I found that the speed of the paddle was a little slow by default, so I had to increase that to the max. Otherwise, you just can't return some balls, even if you are fast enough.