Pictures Mania Deluxe

Pictures Mania Deluxe is a nice spot-the-differences game with beautiful images.


Pictures Mania Deluxe is a nice spot-the-differences game with lots of beautiful images to enjoy. You will have two similar images to compare and you have to mark the differences by clicking on the corresponding part of the image.

Every image has a certain number of differences to find. The faster you find the differences, the more score you will get. If you can't find the differences, you can use the magnifying glass for a hint, which will mark a difference. However, using the hints will cost you a considerable amount of points.

The game offers two modes (arcade and challenge) which include different images. The gameplay is the same, but in Challenge mode, you will have less time to find the differences and if you can't find them before the time runs out, you immediately move to the next image. So the faster you are, the more score you will get. On the contrary, in Arcade mode, if you can't find the images before the time runs out, the game is over. In both modes, there are time penalties for random or incorrect clicking. The game offers simple but nice graphics, average sounds, and pleasant but repetitive music.

In short, if you are looking for a free spot-the-differences game to pass the time, Pictures Mania Deluxe may be a nice choice.


  • Two modes
  • Free
  • Lovely images


  • Repetitive music
  • Not very long
This program received 1 award
License type:
Jess 10 years ago

A nice find-the-difference game, which can occupy you for hours. I truly enjoyed it.