Photopolis 1.0

Free Photopolis is a new way to experience your photo collection.
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1.0 See all
Julius Bahr, Tilman Beer,Matthias Schicker
Free   5.8 MB
Used by 4 people
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Photopolis is a new way to experience your photo collection. Photopolis extracts the date you took your photo. Then it assembles the photos that were taken in a week as a "house". Out of 4 houses a months is created and so on. The result is a checker-board arrangement of houses in a city. The straight streets represent years, the cross streets months. Because of this arrangement you can for example view your Christmas photos of all the years by walking along the "December" street. A cross-hair is displayed on the screen. It allows you to "enter" a house. A slide show with the photos of the selected week is started. Photopolis comes with 2 navigation modes. A run mode and a jet pack mode.

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