
Save your PDF form to disk and open it again without loosing your entries.


Save your PDF form to disk and open it again without loosing your entries.
Who has not come across the situation: You complete a PDF form in Acrobat Reader and when it comes to saving your data, nothing happens.

Or worse: You close the program and all your data is lost. The reason for this is: Acrobat Reader cannot save any form field data! This is not only time consuming but also very unpleasant.

pdf-FormServer eliminates this problem in a very easy way! Once this software solution has been installed, all filled out PDF forms can be saved locally either as FDF, XFDF (for further electronic processing) or directly to PDF. No need to mention that all forms that have been filled once can be read again with the included data and also altered at a later date or send by email.

Handling is extremely easy.
Just start pdf-FormServer and open a PDF form. You will find a save button at the beginning and at the end of the form. You then can fill out and save the form with all input.

What makes Version 6.0 so special is the use of individual toolbars that allow companies to include customised toolbars depending on the PDF form involved, thus making process control easier. As an example, Document JavaScript can be integrated into the toolbar, making JavaScript easier to manage. Additionally, PDF forms can be passed on to external business associates, who can only open the form using the company’s custom toolbar.

pdf-FormServer is the leading tool for anyone looking for a way of working with PDF forms without constantly entering the same data over and over, or anyone that often needs to alter data that has already been saved.

The pdf-FormServer package was amongst the winners of the 2007 Innovation Prize.

pdf-FormServer supports pdf forms up to pdf version 1.5. XPDF forms (pdf version 1.6 and later) wouldn't supports correctly.

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