PassGen is an application that helps you generate random passwords. The complexity of your passwords depends on the types of characters you want the program to combine.
The interface is simple and easy to use. The main window is split into multiple panels that refer to specific password-related issues. Therefore, you can select the types of characters you wish your passwords to include. These characters can be uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, symbols, and other uncommon characters you are supposed to define. Obviously, specific characters (that you need to determine) can also be excluded when creating the passwords. Another good feature provided by this tool is the ability to generate multiple passwords at once. The app allows you to define the maximum number of passwords to be created in one session, as well as the number of characters each password should include. Unfortunately, the program doesn't provide a preview of the generated passwords – they are exported automatically to a text file which you need to open from the computer specified location to see them. When you generate a huge number of passwords at once you can choose to split the resulting list of passwords into multiple text files for easy management and memory saving.
In short, this application is a good password generator. The tool provides versatile password-related features, so that the resulting combination of characters can satisfy your security needs.