
Control the ever-buoyant Papi-head as it floats downstream, avoiding the banks.


PapiRiver is a variation on an old video game where the player slides a car left and right to avoid the walls on an increasingly narrow road.

Here, you control the ever-buoyant Papi-head as it floats downstream on an increasingly narrow river. In the retro incarcerations mentioned above, the game ends when a wall is hit; this version is more forgiving. When Papi hits the riverbank (i.e., represented oh-so-artfully by green pixels), it holds him where it is - but the camera keeps moving. As soon as you free Papi from the bank, he continues downstream, moving at a slightly faster pace to get back into the middle of the screen. If Papi disappears from view being caught by the riverbank for too long, the game is over!

There is a slow-paced mode and an (easily) unlockable fast mode, where obstacles appear in the river in addition to the camera moving much faster. An online high score list, which opens in a browser, provides a ranking of your performance based on other players' recently submitted results.

Sam's Protip: Try all the free Sunflat games - they represent fun arcade gameplay at its simplest!


  • Simplicity
  • Always gets hard enough eventually to make a good challenge


  • Shallow gameplay (pun intended)
  • Normal mode is a bit too slow to start with
Yohei Iwasaki
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