
The OutlookBeamer App was basically written to transfer your Outlook Data to your new Apple computer.


The OutlookBeamer App was basically written to transfer your Outlook Data to your new Apple computer.

The tool can export the Outlook XP-2003-2010 Mails, Contacts and Appointments. The Mails will be in Mbox, the Contacts in Vcf, the Appointments in Ics format. The Apple Mail application is able to import the Mbox format. The Outlook 2003-2010 Exporter storing the Folder-Structure from Outlook to ! The Address Book can import the Vcf, and the Calender the Ics format. what makes it possible, to have all your old data on your new Macintosh. Error Tracker: http://jira.jnagy.com/jira/browse/OLBUser:emc Password:letmein

By Nagy EDV (D.I. Jozsef Nagy)
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