Built in timesheet entries — create your timesheet entries and export them right inside the program. The app can even calculate the duration of each task for you automatically.
Bundle support — built in bundles for ClickTime and CSV exporting, write your own bundles to easily support any format.
Easy to use timeline interface — scrub through your day, like watching a video. See gaps in your activity immediately.
Set and forget — the software runs in the background, taking up no space on your dock. Recall it with a menu item to quickly review your day.
Automatic cleanup — we cleanup old screenshots based on how many days you need to keep a record of. We'll let you know how much space the screenshots are likely to take up so you can avoid filling your drive.
Dark mode — now fully supports Mojave's dark mode.
Direct support — the developer is available directly via the support form for support requests. We'll make sure the software works for you!
Compatibility — use on all your Macs: our software is tested on macOS Mojave as well as several recent releases of Mac OS X.