My First Spelling versions

Benefits ✓ Helps reading ✓ Helps writing ✓ Introduction to a second language (English...

What's new

v1.2 [Jan 3, 2013]
We have optimized the difficulty of each level.
Now the first and second levels (easiest) will be suitable for young kids (5-8).
The third level is suitable for kids from to 8 to 77 years old (for a second language for instance).
Level 1
* An outline of the entity (animal, musical instrument...) is displayed
* The entity's name is said during launch
* The opacity of the drawing is increased depending on the progression
* The entity's name is said at touch
Level 2
* An outline of the entity (animal, musical instrument...) is displayed
* No entity's name is said during launch
* The opacity of the drawing is kept to 0 %
* No entity's name is said at touch, the sound is played instead
* The entity's name is said in case of success
Level 3
* No outline of the entity
* No entity's name is said during launch
* The opacity of the drawing is kept to 0 %
* No entity's name is said at touch, the sound is played instead
* The entity's name is said in case of success

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