Mr Schedule

Mr Schedule is a simple application that allows you to manage your to-do lists.


Mr Schedule is a simple application that allows you to manage your to-do lists and organize them in different projects.

The tasks will be entered on the left pane of the screen and you can later add sub-tasks. On the right pane, you will be able to edit the notes for the selected task and view them more clearly and adjust the font a bit. You can also paste things from the clipboard, but you won't be able to attach documents or images.

All the projects will contain five columns to organize the information with the following titles: task, estimate, remaining days, activities, and percentage of completion. The good thing is that you can show or hide the columns you want, but you won't be able to add your own. If you don't set a duration for a task, this will become a to-do item and you can mark it as done by checking a checkbox that will appear below the task. All the information can be printed and you can save it in many formats.

In short, if you are looking for a very simple application to organize your projects or tasks, Mr Schedule may work for you. However, if you are looking for a more complex application with more editing options, you should definitely look elsewhere.


  • Easy to use
  • Clear visualization


  • You cannot attach documents or images
  • Only a few formatting options
  • You cannot add your own columns
Andrew Pietsch
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