MenuBar Stats A quick view to your system health right in your menu bar. 5 advanced modules (CPU, Memory, Network, Disk, Battery). Each modules can be in 1 combined window, or in their own separated window, for more detailed information. Simply use drag-and-drop to reorder your modules right from the menu bar or from the window. Highly customizable. Notifications for most of the modules Top processes monitoring. Show or hide the modules in the menu bar. Battery Module Keep a close control on your battery health Be informed with the notifications, when to charge or not your battery CPU Module Optional graph in detailed view mode. As for any module, show hide module name, gauge, text in the menu bar Threads, Load average,... Memory Module Memory Clean Memory monitoring with traditional or memory pressure style Optional graph in detailed view mode. High number of options for the information displayed in the menu bar 5 Top processes. Disk Module Eject Disk from MenuBar Stats. Reveal the volume in Finder. Get notified when your disk run out of storage space. Network Module A quick view in the menu bar on your throughput. Detailed information on your interface. Quickly copy your IP address and more. Other Menu bar can be re-ordered by Shift-drag-and-drop while in combined mode. Menu bar items can be customized with different type of gauge. Keyboard Shortcuts to call your modules Access all your modules from the menu bar or from the Dock. Have the theme follow automatically the color of your menu bar. Keep or not MenuBar Stats windows floating above your desktop. And more...
Easily rearrange your menu bar items. Keep your menu bar icons ordered as you want!