
Pasteboard manager designed to be fast and unobtrusive, like the OS X pasteboard.

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MatchCut is a pasteboard manager designed to be fast and unobtrusive, like the OS X pasteboard. Keep a record of your texts, files, colours and fonts, automatically or when you drop text or an image onto MatchCut's window.

Have your item available at a key press or mouse click when you need it. Then paste or drag it into your document.
Modify clippings as you paste them, using MatchCut's 'tweaks', a set of small Applescripts that can easily be extended with your own.
MatchCut helps in finding a specific clipping with search and sort functions to get the right one without having to browse through material that's not needed at this time.
MatchCut is easy to operate, but comes with a help file that details its functions.
MatchCut is currently in beta.

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