Solution for keeping track of your domain names, server information, monitoring server uptime and monitoring expiration dates with iCal integration!


Master of My Domain is the solution for keeping track of your domain names, server information, monitoring server uptime and monitoring expiration dates with iCal integration!
- Built from the ground up for MacOS X (Universal Binary)
- iCal syncing of your domain expirations
- 256 Bit Blowfish Encryption
- Password protection keeps unwanted eyes away from your domain libraries
- Store an unlimited number of domain names
- WhoIs lookup automatically gets registrar and expiration date for most domains
- Scanner lets you quickly see which (if any) domain names are offline
- Schedule periodic scans of your domains and get SMS or Email notifications when they go down
- Import/Export full domain libraries with CSV support
- FTP login tester ensures you've entered the correct credentials for your domain
- Companion menu bar app MOMD Scanner will scan domains for uptime periodically and can SMS or Email you if a domain goes down
