Workflow automation solution for Adobe InDesign which works with Photoshop to reduce InDesign link size and perform essential image adjustments.


LinkOptimizer Light is a workflow automation solution for Adobe InDesign which works with Photoshop to reduce InDesign link size and perform essential image adjustments.

LinkOptimizer Light is a perfect solution for both print and electronic publishing.
Reduce InDesign link size by eliminating excess image data
LinkOptimizer will automatically reduce the image resolution, scale and crop the images in Photoshop according to their dimensions in the InDesign document and the target resolution specified, and reimport them to InDesign at 100%.
Perform essential image adjustments
- convert colors
- apply sharpening filters
- merge layers and delete hidden ones
The full version of LinkOptimizer offers several additional features: convert image formats, process duplicates, run Photoshop actions, specify image resampling methods and more.
LinkOptimizer will help you save storage space, time and reduce production costs:
- save valuable disk space by reducing InDesign link size
- accelerate document output
- speed up job transfer to outside sources
- reduce job cost through faster processing

Zevrix Solutions