Light Quest

A 2.5D puzzle platformer that relies on mirror placement.


Light Quest is a 2.5D puzzle platformer that relies on mirror placement. Beams of light are present in each level and the player's task is to split and reflect them to activate sensors (sometimes selectively, according to the needs of the puzzle).

There are also mechanical nuts to collect on each level as an additional challenge; levels where all were collected are marked by a golden nut.

The protagonist of the game is a crash-landed robot seeking energy for his spaceship. There are 16 levels, including a tutorial level, that span a rather diverse series of environments, albeit with the the rather uninspiring 3D graphics of yesteryear. Gameplay is adequate; mirror rotation, if not so much placement, can be tweaked with both speed and precision. It's a little awkward using the keyboard to move and the mouse to interact with the environment, but it's not impossible to get used to the setup. It's also sometimes a bit easy to lose track of a mirror or be unable to retrieve it, but at least one can restart the level in such a case.


  • Playable, with a couple of decent head-scratchers
  • Good level selection interface


  • Can almost never see enough of scene to position mirrors properly first time around
  • Awkward movement and control system
  • Not much in the way of original gameplay
Chimp Studios
License type:
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