Kiki the Nanobot

Make your way through a 3D nanoscopic world, avoiding mutant bots in your attempt to repair the Make


This game, still in development, is a mix between Sokoban and Kula-World. Kiki the Nanobot revolves around the theme of nanotechnology, putting you in an immersive, surreal environment.

You play as Kiki, a small robot in the nano world. Your task is to repair the Maker. Before you can get to the Maker, however, you must complete several levels, each with its own puzzle to solve. Once you managed to solve a particular puzzle, an exit gate will be activated, allowing you to move on to the next level.
Beware of mutant bots along the way; they are dumb but can do damage with their projectiles. You will also have to guide Kiki past obstacles such as spikes, blockades, and bombs. Seek out goodies such as health and energy atoms, and produce kinetic energy with gears, wires, motors, and generators that lay about the nanoscopic environment.

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