Get detailed analysis of your logbook data from your UWATEC dive computer after each dive. View visually presented dive profiles and tweak dive computer parameters prior to a dive. Keep and extract additional information, including details about the dive location, conditions, weather, and buddy details.
JTrak is a software to store and analyse your logbook data from your UWATEC dive computer after each dive. With JTrak you are able to visualise your dive profiles, manage your dive profiles and to manage your dive computer settings prior to a dive. With a sampling rate of four seconds, this program allows you to analyse your dives with amazing detail. JTrak allows you to store and retrieve further useful information such as details about the dive location, conditions, weather and buddy details.
The language selection between English, German, French and Italian is done automatically according to your System Preferences. The communication between the Smart dive computer and your Mac or PC is handled over an external infrared adapter.
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