
Flash card app designed to easily create, import, study and review almost anything.


iFlashcards is a flash card app designed to easily create, import, study and review almost anything.

It is a great tool for exam preparation or language study.
Features include:
- Create your own memorization test.
- Keep track of mastery level.
- Easy to use and intuitive interface design.
- Import from text file.Tutorial for importing txt files:
To use the import function, please provide the two delimiters in the txt file. The first is the card front/back separator. The second is the cards separator. For example, if the content of text file reads:
front, end
hello, hi
Then, input "," as the front-back delimiter in the first field, and the line separator "n" as the back-front delimiter in the second field.
Then load the txt file from file, click the import button, the program will automatically parse the text file into flashcards.

Aihua Soft
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