Idea Knot

It is a simple tool designed to collect a library of inspired text ideas.


Idea Knot™ is a simple software tool designed to collect a library of inspired text ideas, each with a descriptive name of your choice, inside a special document.

Its particular method of collection offers you two primary advantages over other text tools:

At the moment inspiration hits during your workday, it is very quick to open an Idea Knot™ document and within seconds record the essence of that new idea without distractions, while your mind is focused on it and without disturbing the flow of your current work. Within moments you return to your original task and that inspired refinement to your topic is stored for you to further develop and re-use later. Over time, a typical Idea Knot™ document gathers many inspired refinements to a topic, in one place that is easy to access.

Starting from that collection of inspired refinements concentrated in an Idea Knot™ document, you can build a precise message by gathering different combinations of ideas into groups, exploring their fit and their order, until the message they deliver is exactly right. Then you can export that group to another program for presentation.
What can I do with it?

Shown further below on this page are several use-cases illustrating what Idea Knot™ does in different professions. Read those to get more details. We start with these two short examples:

One creative person uses Idea Knot™ to concentrate creative notes into a document over time and then combines those insights in deliberate ways until a precise and clear message emerges, re-using their content to communicate to their specific audience.

One business team uses Idea Knot™ without losing their normal productivity, to record insightful refinements to their business process over time, each inspired by a real-world situation handled by those in the production front. Then management easily assembles all those insights for their experts to analyze, then implement the improvements most valuable to their process.

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