Ice Cream Craze: Natural Hero is a nice time-management game in which you own a chain of ice-cream shops and you are trying to defeat Dr. Bane, by creating natural ice-creams. Your job is to win the whole market by providing fresh products and serving your customers the best way possible. On every level, you will need to serve your customers with the dessert they want. For this, you must put the ingredients in the exact order as shown and put the corresponding topic. Then, you need to deliver the products to the customers and they will give you money that you need to collect. The faster you are to serve the customers, the more money you will get.
With the money you obtain from the sales, you will be able to buy more fresh fruit to continue your activities and expand your empire. Unfortunately, the game only offers one mode and one difficulty level. Graphics are very colorful and attractive, sounds are fine, and the music is suitable, but a bit repetitive.
All in all, if you are looking for an enjoyable and attractive time-management game to pass the time, Ice Cream Craze: Natural Hero may work for you.