Holding Pattern

Drag-and-Drop the way it should be Instead of having to carefully set up two windows side-by-side every time you want to drag something between them..


✔ Drag-and-Drop the way it should be
Instead of having to carefully set up two windows side-by-side every time you want to drag something between them, Holding Pattern lets you drag items to a temporary window, find where you want to drop them, and then complete the drag.
Perfect for multi-window environments, cluttered workspaces, Fullscreen apps, and Spaces, Holding Pattern is the easiest way to drag and drop under any circumstances.
★ Drag anything: Files, text, urls, colors, images... anything that can be dragged can be added to your Holding Pattern.
★ The Holding Pattern window opens automatically when you begin a drag and closes when the drag is completed.
★ Add as many items as you want to the Holding Pattern, and remove them anytime.
★ Holding Pattern floats above all windows and shows up in every space.
♥ What people are saying:
"Holding Pattern is a revelation" - Mac App Spot
"I don't know how I ever got by before I had this app. I use it constantly" - Daniel M
"This should come on Mac by default" - Ronius
"I love Holding Pattern. It's so useful I can't stand it when I'm on my office PC and don't have it" - Michael G

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