
Keep track of your genealogy by creating a database of family information.


Heredis helps you keep track of your genealogy by creating a comprehensive database of family information.

The application has an intuitive interface, with tabs to compartmentalize its features. However, due to the huge number of views and windows, it may get difficult to navigate, which is why it is great that there are multiple help resources available, including sample file, video tutorials and forums.

Heredis supports creating a new family tree from scratch. Moreover, it allows importing data from existing Heredis files as well as chart files and GEDCOM databases. When you create a family tree, you can switch to different views, such as immediate family, extended family, ancestors and descendants. Besides, you can set the number of generations you wish to include, starting from the main person. Unfortunately, though, some views may show ambiguous relationship lines between people

Luckily, you can create a sort of personal record for each member of your family. It is good that the application can complete some data automatically to save you some typing. Yet, it is a shame that you have to practically guess the date format. For each person, you can specify important events in their lives, mostly those that have to do with their legal status, such as births, deaths and marriages. Unluckily, I feel the tool shows a too conventional view in terms of genders. For instance, adding a spouse will not be possible until you specify the person’s gender.

In general, Heredis lets you store lots of information related to your family. Besides, the results of your work can be shared in many ways. For example, they can be posted on the Internet as well as printed as books, charts and sheets. It is a pity that the application is quite demanding as to system resources. Finally, it is good to hear that it has a demo version which can be used indefinitely but limits the total number of people in a family to 50. It is also available in Standard and Pro versions.


  • Supports various file formats
  • Stores a lot of family and personal information
  • Various views
  • Autocompletion
  • Exports to the Internet


  • Conventional views of a family
  • Very demanding of system resources
  • May show ambiguous relationship lines
This program received 1 award
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