
Your diet and fitness companion and can track calories for you.


HealthNut makes it easy to keep track of your diet, calorie and nutrient intake. Use it daily to reach your health goal - whether it be fat loss, muscle gain or weight maintenance.
Live Search
HealthNut comes with thousands of built-in food items, each with predefined nutrients and energy values.

Browsing this huge database is as easy as opening the HealthNut bar and typing a few characters.
HealthNut lets you organize and filter your food intake into six categories: Breakfast, AM Snack, Lunch, PM Snack, Dinner and Other.
Define global shortcuts to access the Search bar or your Diet Journal anytime.
Setting goals within HealthNut is key to keeping you motivated and on track. HealthNut's tolerance thresholds allow for flexible dieting - the fastest way to an improved lifestyle.
Diet History
HealthNut remembers everything you've eaten and lets you review diet changes by jumping days - or years - back.
Interested in protein/carbs/fat breakdown as well as calorie monitoring? HealthNut calculates those percentages for you.
Easily combine various foods to create new items. No need to get that calculator from your drawer and figure out new nutrient and calorie values, HealthNut has you covered. Mix-n-match, enjoy!
Visual Feedback
How are you doing? Instant visual feedback informs you. HealthNut can also display a summary popup with nutrient breakdown.
Nutritional Facts
The built-in food database isn't enough for you? Read that food label and add it to HealthNut.

Conceited Software
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