
GRE is a standardized test that is an requirement for many graduate schools

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Everything you need for your exam bundled into one, cross platform application. Take it with you on the go and pick up where you left off on the computer.Start on iPhone, continue on iPad and finish on desktop.

Performance and usage remains in perfect sync across devices.Study smarter. Analyze your performance and track your progress using charts and tables.
- 5 mini tests with 20 questions each
- 650 practice questions with detailed solutions
- 500 pages of review material with test taking tips and tricks
The Graduate Record Examination or GRE is a commercially-run standardized test that is an admission requirement for many graduate schools, in the United States, and in other English-speaking countries. The exam measures verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills that have been acquired over a long period of time and that are not related to any specific field of study. In the United States, Canada, and many other countries

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