Gitbox versions

An easy-to-use manager for repositories with full repository history support.
Oct 21, 2021
Editorial review
Jun 8, 2011

What's new

v1.6 [Mar 12, 2012]
✓ Improved performance of updates of git state (stage, branches, commits and submodules).
✓ Fixed bug when cloning from a URL with spaces.
✓ Fixed several error messages.
✓ Fixed bug with submodule paths containing spaces.
✓ Fixed commit cherry-picking and merging from the search mode.
✓ Fixed bug with launching FileMerge after installing Xcode 4.3 and removing /Developer folder.
✓ Prevented window activation when minimized and repository optimization kicks in.
✓ Fixed window activation when clicked through after closing FileMerge window.
✓ Improved error messages for merge failure.
New in version 1.6:
✓ Zero-configuration submodules: one-click download and reset.
✓ Submodules are intelligently reset when pulling, switching branches or checking out commits in the parent repository.
✓ Editable repository names (Gitbox keeps an alias without changing the actual folder name.)
✓ Automatic repository optimization in background.
✓ Tags are sorted in natural order and with respect to version numbers.
✓ When a file is added to ignore list, it is also untracked (git rm --cached).
✓ Warning is displayed when trying to make a commit when no branch is selected.
✓ Single Preferences window with Git configuration, ignored files, "Clone from Github" checkbox etc.
✓ Fixed bugs and crashes in authentication session.
✓ Fixed performance bug with frequent stage updates (high CPU consumption).
✓ Fixed bugs with preserving stage selection and scroll offset when stage is reloaded.
✓ Fixed bug with text fields in repository settings (value was not stored immediately)
✓ Fixed a bug with trimming whitespace from .gitignore
✓ Fixed link highlighting: now all kinds of schemas are recognized including rdar:// (Lion-only).
✓ Fixed several text labels and error messages.
✓ Fixed an annoying bug in search field (when space is entered, all text was selected)
✓ Fixed bug with presenting files containing ":" and other URL-unfriendly characters.
✓ Fixed bug with staging file names beginning with dash ("-")
✓ Fixed bug with multi-line commit messages. Messages are recorded as-is. Prewrapped messages are intelligently unwrapped when displayed.
✓ Fixed bug with ignoring a file when .gitignore does not exist (file was not added to .gitignore).
✓ Fixed bug with title duplication in the branch menus.
✓ Fixed merge --no-ff option. Gitbox shows no-ff merge commits and respects “mergeoptions” in .git/config.
✓ Fixed sidebar alignment bug.
✓ Fixed sidebar spinner color and animation.

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