Tänk att det ska va så j''''''la svårt att få reda på hur jag kan installera GarageBand på min dator!!!!! Jag har version High Sierra 10.13.6. Vilken version är möjlig att installera? Borde vara lätt att föreslå, men är det som vanligt 'Money Talks'???
Just wish GarageBand would work on my MacBook pro mid 2012 this is why i got a pro what a waist of my money can do anything to do with music making or i can find any thing .do you no Any music making programs that Will Work or do i Bin it and buy a pc laptop.
I totally agree to the previous commentor: the level of accuracy and precision, reached with GarageBand is rather far from what I'd like to have from a fifty-dollar program. On the other side it's one of the best programs, used for uploading podcasts and in has made its way to my desktop.
My day job is voiceover/narration which I always did on a pc, with audio software by Polderbits, NCH and Audacity. Moving over to iMac Snow Leopard (brilliant, apart from wretched shiny screen) I found Garageband (5.1) clumsy and imprecise. It can't be used at syllabic level of detail, or closely adjust timing between voice and FX. I forgive it because of the handy free music and sounds, but I'm having to buy extra software. Development needed! Howard Ellison. Devon UK.
It’s $4.99 on iOS!