FastRawViewer is intended for previewing the contents of RAW and DNG images. It has the main advantage of supporting practically any digital camera. Besides, it can actually render the images stored in the RAW files instead of just the embedded JPEG pictures. But that is not all, the application can process the RAW file at a very high speed. FastRawViewer's interface has a main area where the picture is rendered. Besides, there are other regions to show the histogram, exposure stats, XMP rating and EXIF data.
As said, the tool can open any RAW or DNG file independently of its origin. Good to know that the process is absolutely nondestructive, as the source images remain untouched. Likewise, it displays the histogram of not only the RAW file but also its JPEG thumbnail. Moreover, you can treat the original and its thumbnail both as a pair or independently.
In more technical terms, the tool can help you spot problems in your photos by studying the histogram as well as assessing the exposure levels. Fortunately, some of these issues can be fixed if you make the required adjustments. It is a shame that, unlike other similar products, FastRawViewer does not come with as many tools for importing, renaming, tagging, organizing and editing pictures.
In short, FastRawViewer can come in handy for browsing the original photographs and delete those you no longer need, thus avoiding filling up your storage device with useless data. In this respect, it is good that it gives you the opportunity to read files directly without needing to create a local catalog. The product can be obtained from the Mac Store.