Emerald Viewer...Third party Second Life viewer designed to enhance the user experience through the addition of large amounts of new functionality.
Second Life is a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its residents. Since opening to the public in 2003, it has grown explosively and today is inhabited by a total of 5,145,919 people from around the globe.
Extra Features:
- Avatar Scanner
- Full sim range (detects over 1M in the air)
- Shows name, age, payment info, current activity.
- Land and estate commands for ejecting/banning multiple avatars at once
- Buttons to open profile, IM, teleport to or track selected avatars
- Ability to chat radar info (keys) to boost lsl radars
- Ability to display chat notifications for entering sim, exiting sim, entering chat range, exiting chat range, entering draw distance and exiting draw distance respectively.
- RLV API Implementation (off by default)
- Different login page
- Ability to open and display the owner and location of objects that IM you
- Teleport to positions by double clicking
- Option to disable progress screens (teleport, login, and logout respectively)
- Clothing layer protection (prevents sending of individual clothing textures to other clients, ensuring they can't copy the clothing)
- Customizable IM auto-response system, including giving inventory in the response
- Fly can be set to always enabled, even with Admin menu closed
- Can turn your avatar 'visually phantom'
- Allows ground sit anywhere
- Can enable the attaching of objects in inventory by double-click
- Can block object sit-on-click
- Chatbar as a command line for rezzing platforms, teleporting to coordinates or sims, or teleporting to particular heights.
- Various crash fixes
- Free uploading of "temporary" textures (sim-local and disappear on relog)
- Notification when a friendship ends
- Detection of cooperating alternative viewers
- Shows object last owner in build floater
- Scripts are compiled to mono by default in agent inventory
- Inventory is fetched in background immediately on login
- Group info can be accessed in about land, even if group is not deeded
- Profiles show agent key
- More minimap dot colors, blue for lindens, grey for muted, and purple for friended lindens
- Build Floater Enhancements
- More object choices (from the drop down that lets you change a cube to a sphere)
- More precision information (5 decimal points)
- Ability to set all prim parameters without changing shape (easy prim torture)
- Ability to easily change sculpt stitching
- Can set transparency to 100%
- Can set texture repeats above 100
- Can turn off the typing sound
- Teleport History Floater
- Animation Info Floater
- Shows you all current animations being played on your avatar
- Allows you to stop, or revoke permissions of animations you do not want
- Ability to detect owner of the animations being played, as well as their name
- Included the 1.23 Bulk Permissions Setting
- Option to block the 1 click auto sit
- Multiple custom skins