Email Snippets

Preserve sorted text snippets for reuse in repetitive e-mail replies.


Email Snippets is an application that preserves sorted text snippets for reuse in repetitive e-mail replies.

This way, you won't need to type the same message multiple times, recompile similar messages, or search the e-mail archive for texts you once sent. You simply save your messages as text snippets for use in other e-mail replies.

For convenient access, the application installs in the menu bar of your Mac. Launching the program is done either by clicking the corresponding icon or by pressing the keyboard shortcut. The utility doesn't support custom hotkeys so you are forced to stick with the default shortcut. However, the tool opens with a simple and color-friendly interface that helps you manage your snippets with ease. Unfortunately, the main window can't be moved around the screen. It stays stuck beneath the upper bar, whether you like this positioning or not.

Adding a new snippet is very easy. You just need to type the title, enter the content, and assign your snippet to a folder you previously created. Grouping snippets into folders is great, considering that you can find the desired snippet faster if sorted by category. Also, you can use the search box to find the snippet you are looking for.

To sum up, Email Snippets saves and organizes text fragments for reusing in e-mail replies. The app is easy to use, doesn't take much disk space, and improves your productivity by sending identical e-mail replies.


  • Organize snippets in folders
  • Search for desired snippet by typing few letters
  • Copies automatically selected snippet to clipboard


  • Can't move the main window around the screen
  • Doesn't support custom keyboard shortcut to open the app
This program received 1 award
Danny Connell
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