Eggplant 10.1

Eggplant fortifies software testing and quality assurance.


Eggplant fortifies software testing and quality assurance. Our unique approach to automation complements and strengthens your testing methods - on any computer, any operating system, anywhere, around-the-clock.

What's different about Eggplant is that it tests from the user's perspective, so you test the user interface, not just the code. Any process that a user can perform can be automated from end to end, across multiple applications, even across multiple platforms.
One copy of Eggplant can test an entire cross-platform application, one operating system at a time. Small and large companies worldwide have found Eggplant to be an affordable solution for their testing needs. Current customers use Eggplant to validate their products on Mac OS X & OS 9, Linux, Solaris, AIX, and other Unix platforms as well as Windows 98 - XP.
For more info, see this page: What is Eggplant?.

Redstone Software