Dungeon Master Java

Dungeon Master Java is a remake of the classic game Dungeon Master .

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Dungeon Master Java is a remake of the classic game Dungeon Master by FTL/Software Heaven. It is implemented entirely in Java, and is therefore able to run on any platform supporting Java version 1.4 or higher with an installed runtime environment (JRE or SDK).

It is a stand-alone application, not a web-browser applet. The game features many original graphics that simulate a 3D environment. These were for the most part rendered in the free ray-tracer POV-Ray. Item graphics and character portraits are done by hand with a paint program, though many are enhanced versions of those taken from the original game and its sequels. Gameplay is very similar to the original, with real-time action, 90-degree turns, and step-by-step movement. One major change from the original is that monsters are not "stuck" in groups: they are completely free to wander, sometimes occupying a square with other monsters and sometimes not.

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Alan Berfield
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