DeviceFinder 1.0

Free Shows a real-time list of Swintechnics devices on a given local area network.
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1.0.20 See all
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Swintechnics Device Finder shows a real-time list of Swintechnics devices (e.g., mIoTa) available on your local area network, and gives detailed information about each device. The web site (if available) for each device can be accessed easily by pressing the 'OPEN' button for that device. The detailed technical information about a particular device can be shown by pressing the 'i' button.

Information shown includes the device's Serial Number, NetBIOS name, MAC address, IPv4 address, the HTTP port number that serves the web pages, whether or not a Wifi module is fitted (i.e., Wifi + Ethernet or Ethernet only), the current network interface being used (Wifi or Ethernet), software versions for firmware and bootloader, as well as information for any expansion devices that may be connected.

Screenshot (1)



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