deskPDF Reader is lightweight, secure PDF tool that even gives you functionality like filling out and saving forms. Free features include scanning to PDF, filling out and saving PDF forms, and publishing PDFs to the web for free with PDFzen. deskPDF Reader makes it easy to share & collaborate on your PDFs for free. With PDFzen integration baked into deskPDF Reader, you can publish your PDFs to the web directly from your desktop. The free PDFzen web application offers additional tools for PDF editing including: adding text, drawing & signing, highlighting, and adding comments for simple collaboration. Faxing and sharing options make it easy to collaborate with others - even from mobile or tablet devices.
What's new in this version:
Securely view PDFs with ReadSafe security Fill out & save PDF forms PDFzen integration: Publish your PDF to the web with 1 click Includes 14 day free trial of deskPDF Editor