
You can select each playlist that you want to export to your DeliciousLibrary.

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You can select each playlist that you want to export to your DeliciousLibrary. It will add the corresponding albums in the "Music" section
DeliciTunes does not actually handle art/covers from your music librarybut you can just manually select each added album in Delicious Librarythen ask to refresh from Amazon... it will also fill the missingsections (price, reference...)
Distibuted under the GPL, sourcesincluded.
Inorder to improve the reliability of this software, please send me amail or post a feedback here if DeliciTunes does not display yourplaylists.

What's New
Version 0.2pr: Minor bug fixes and cosmetic improvements in this release:
- The progress indicator has been changed and is now working
- A message is displayed when the export is finished
- The "overwrite backup" message has been rewriten and is more explicit
- You can now reset the preferences using a specific button
- You can no longer close the application's window Requirements
PPC, Mac OS X 10.3 or later

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Apple Inc.