Cut with Drag & Drop

A utility that provides a cut function alternative for the Finder.


For some time, Mac users have bemoaned the lack of cut-and-pasted functionality in the Finder. Copying and pasting, along with their universal shortcuts, work just fine, but the cut option is mysteriously grayed out when a directory or file is selected.

Cut is an app that seeks to fill this gap.

Listed on the App Store as "Cut with Drag & Drop", it enables just that. While the application is open, one or more files and/or directories can be dragged and dropped onto its dock icon. Next, the destination folder is dragged and dropped onto the same dock icon, which now shows the number of items to be pasted. Et voilà, the files or directories dragged in first are now in the destination folder.

The problem is that this is already how the Finder works, but with an extra unnecessary step thrown in. You can drag and drop something directly into the destination folder and it's like an instant cut-and-paste, provided you have the permissions required. In fact, the Finder's built-in "cut with drag and drop" functionality is more powerful than what this app provides, since it is undoable and provides a prompt if the transfer failed for any reason.

Sam's Protip: What is needed is an app that grants command-x functionality for the Finder, nothing more and nothing less. This app is not the one to use.


  • Does what it claims to do


  • What it claims to do is utterly superfluous
Enrico De Michele
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