Crow is the critically acclaimed, story-driven action-adventure developed by Sunside. Combining unique exploration, combat, and game mechanics, Crow takes the player on an exciting journey to faraway lands where an ancient battle is unfolding. Your choices will forever alter the course of this world. Will you Curse your foes or Spare them and risk the consequences?
Now available with new high resolution graphics and advanced rendering features designed specifically for the MacBook Air and new line of Apple laptops!
Created using Sunside's in-house game platform Radiance™, Crow delivers stunning visuals and immersion in a fully 3D world.
● Full support for OSX 10.8 & Game Center
● Immersive story line
● Meaningful player choice
● Stunning 3D graphics
● Visceral combat
● Sweeping musical score
● Requires 0SX 10.7 or later
● Supports all Apple Laptops & iMacs (2009 and newer)
Recommended hardware:
● Plays best with a mouse
Lost Lands: The Golden Curse Collector's Edition is a puzzle game for Mac.